Sunday, March 14, 2010

"busy students"

My second day of observation was last January 21,2010.Their topic is about Multiplication.My cooperating teacher made an exercise for the students to answer on their table.I noticed that while others were busy answering the exercises,there are some students at the back that are not participate and did not answer the exercises.
I also observed that those students who sit far from the teacher's table and far from the blackboard,some of them did not participate to the discussion and they have their own business or they are busy doing other things.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Good Motivator

My first day of observation in Gomez Elementary School was last January 19,2010.Our professor introduced us in OIC of the school.When we went to our cooperating teacher,my cooperating teacher seeing me there.
I can say that I am so lucky for having my cooperating teacher because she is very nice and approachable.During my first observation their topic is about different types of graph.My cooperating teacher draw different types of graph on the board so that the students will easily understand their topic.
I was impressed with my cooperating teacher because she motivate well her pupils and give some example for the students to easily understand,and for those some students that can't catch up the lessson easily.